What is DG REFORM’s Structural Reform Support?
The Directorate-General for Structural Reform and Support (REFORM) is a new DG within the European Commission with the objective of helping EU countries to design and carry out structural reforms, e.g. when designing and implementing the National Recovery and Resilience Plans. The 2021-2027 long-term EU budget allocated nearly €1 billion to provide this type of tailor-made support, which could also significantly improve the absorption rates of EU funding across the Member States.
How does DG REFORM’s support differ from other available support from the EU?
DG REFORM’s support requires no co-financing from Member States. The support is not designed at the level of individual renovation projects but rather covers wider reforms along the entire process, from preparation and design to implementation.
How does DG REFORM’s support relate to buildings’ renovation?
Under the 2024 call, DG REFORM provides flagship technical support for Member States in the preparation of their Social Climate Plans as well as support for the implementation of the Green Deal Industrial Plan (see here).
More generally, DG REFORM offers technical support across a broad range of policy areas, including “sustainable growth and business environment” which handles climate and energy. For example, EU countries could request support for implementing national recovery plans, raising awareness, using innovative finance and digital instruments, and upskilling workers.
Which applications for support have been chosen so far on buildings renovation?
- Public building energy efficiency plans and energy registry in Greece
- Energy efficiency awareness raising strategy in the Czech Republic
- Support on heating and cooling strategy in Slovenia
- Roadmap for scaling up energy efficiency investments in Hungary
- Establishing an energy efficiency expert platform in Poland
Find more examples of projects here.
How can I access DG REFORM’s Technical Support Instrument for my country?
- National Coordinating Authorities (specific Ministries and National Agencies) of Member States must submit a request to access the TSI by 31 October each year. DG REFORM can assist with the preparatory work before the final request has been lodged.
- DG REFORM selects the requests based on pre-defined criteria, and taking into account the expected reform impact and link to EU priorities.
- After successful selection, DG REFORM enters into dialogue with the national authorities to start the design and implementation of the projects.
Regional and local authorities are also eligible for technical support from the Commission. They submit their technical support request through their national coordinating authority.
Main contact point for applying for the Technical Support Instrument:
E-mail: REFORM-TSI@ec.europa.eu
Twitter: @EU_reforms