Renovate Europe September Newsletter is out!

The summer is coming to an end and the clouds approaching remind us that another winter is coming. Once again, the heat or eat dilemma will threaten European households; once again, the danger of cold and dark homes is coming closer and closer. The crisis in the East and our 100% energy dependence since the 18th of June this year (you can watch the REC video here if you haven’t done so already) makes the situation even more worrying. As we know, the solutions being proposed by the EU are not adequately emphasising the benefits of ambitious energy efficiency measures and the potential of the building stock still remains largely untapped. Very often, the significant, positive effects coming from deep renovation of our building stock are overlooked.

Building on the success of previous years, the fifth edition of the REDay2015 will thus focus on « It’s More than Renovation... », providing an overview of the multiple benefits that can be achieved when renovating our buildings, and seeking to convince stakeholders and decision-takers that the time is right to act decisively in favour of ambitious renovation of the building stock in the EU .

Do not miss the chance to know more about the range of the multiple benefits coming from the renovation of our homes and be part of REDay2015 on 15th October in Brussels, or join us at the REDay National events in Italy, Spain or Greece!

Read Renovate Europe June Newsletter!

The winter season and its problems associated with cold homes seem to be far behind, with the summer getting closer. However, this does not mean that the ambitious renovation of the current EU building stock does not have to be pursued. Indeed, as summer draws close, the EU becomes 100% dependent on foreign energy imports, a worrying reality that can largely be solved by pursuing a deep renovation of the existing building stock in the EU, as shown in the REC video on EU Energy Dependence Day that was screened at EUSEW.

April has been a very fruitful month for the Renovate Europe Manifesto: the Strasbourg mission brought an 11 additional MEPs to pledge to STOP ENERGY WASTE IN BUILDINGS!, maybe convinced by the narratives tailored for each Commitee explaining the opportunities linked to building renovation in the EU.

Last but not least, things are being set for REDay2015 that will focus on the message « It’s More than Renovation! ». It will bring together speakers from different fields aiming at explaining the multiple economic, social and environmental benefits that will arise for the EU through the achievement of the Renovate Europe vision of an 80% reduction in the energy demand of the existing building stock. Be part of the debate at REDay2015 on 15th October in Brussels and...

Enjoy your summer break!


Highest leverage, quickest roll-out and widest societal benefits: Ambitious building renovation projects are best-in-class for Strategic Investment

Highest leverage, quickest roll-out and widest societal benefits: Ambitious building renovation projects are best-in-class for Strategic Investment

“European Fund for Strategic Investments must earmark funds for deep renovation projects” says building sector industry

A new report published today by Copenhagen Economics concludes that deep building renovation projects respond more effectively and cost-efficiently to the key operational objectives of the European Fund for Strategic Investments (EFSI), and recommends a project selection process providing priority to “shovel ready” investments with a quick roll-out and high rate of return on societal benefits.

The building sector industry associations Eurima, Glass for Europe, EuroACE, PU Europe and the Renovate Europe Campaign welcome this report as a clear sign that building refurbishment is one of the smartest, most cost-effective ways of mobilising investments for growth.

“The European Strategic Investment Fund aims to give priority to projects that boost short and mediumterm activity while providing high returns to society” said Adrian Joyce, Secretary General of EuroACE and Renovate Europe Campaign Director “and this report shows that building renovation can respond very effectively to all these requirements”

“Energy infrastructure-related projects are often put on the table when thinking of EFSI projects” added Bertrand Cazes, Secretary General of Glass for Europe “but building renovation projects should be given high priority if we take our building stock as an essential part of our energy infrastructure”.

“These substantial benefits should be recognised in the section criteria proposed in the EFSI operation” added Oliver Loebel, Secretary General of PU Europe “Relatively ‘shovel ready’ investments which can be quickly deployed and provide substantial societal returns must be given priority”.

“Both research and real experiences” added Jan te Bos, Eurima Director-General “have demonstrated that deep renovation of buildings are fully adapted to the main EU priorities: they reduce GHG emissions and import dependence, and provide great returns in terms of growth and jobs, as recognised in the recently adopted Energy Union Strategy. The EU Institutions must follow suit by ring-fencing a sub-fund in the EFSI which would be devoted to investments on large, deep renovation programmes”.

Read the Press Release