Building Renovation: a kick-starter for the EU economy

The BPIE has carried out this Study at the request of the Renovate Europe Campaign at a time when the topic of energy renovation seems to be on everyone’s lips. The request was made following the realisation that an overview of recent research on the job creation and macro-economic benefits of energy renovation in the EU has not been compiled in almost 6 years. The findings are encouraging, in the sense that much research has taken place at all levels – national level, European level and global level – and that the stimulus effect of investing in energy renovation is great.

This makes this short Study a valuable contribution to the debate on how and where to spend the large funds that are being mobilised to help the EU and its Member States recover from the economic impact of tackling the COVID-19 pandemic.

Key Findings

In its review of 35 research reports, the BPIE highlights the following main findings:


On jobs and economic impact:

  • For every €1 million invested in energy renovation of buildings, an average of 18 jobs are created in the EU. These are local, long-term jobs that will stimulate economic activity across the EU
  • The number of jobs created per €1 million invested varies across the EU depending on national circumstances and employment cost. The Study reports that those numbers are: Croatia, 29; Estonia, 17; Finland, 16; Italy, 15 and Spain, 18
  • At national level, the Study found that it costs an average of €14,000 to create a job in construction in Spain, whilst in the same country it costs €20,000 to support an unemployed worker. In addition, for each €1 of public money spent on energy renovation, the Spanish government gets €0.62 in return within one year, mainly via taxation.


On macro-economic benefits by building segment:

  • Holistic, energy efficient renovation of office buildings increases productivity by about 12% leading to a potential benefit of about €500 billion to the economy per year
  • Well-designed and executed energy renovation of hospitals reduces the average patient stay by about 11%, producing potential savings of about €45 billion per year to the healthcare sector
  • For homes, it was found that in France medical costs of about €930 million per year are linked to poor quality housing. If we include the indirect consequences of such ill-health (absenteeism, lower productivity etc.), poor quality housing could be costing the French economy as much as €20 billion per year.

The clear message that comes from this Study is that investing in the energy renovation of our building stock is a very rewarding choice. It brings personal benefits, societal benefits and economic benefits. It is now up to each Member State of the EU to include energy renovation of our building stock in their Recovery and Resilience Plans so that the promised Renovation Wave can be successfully rolled out to the benefit of all.

Op-ed: Energy renovation is the perfect recovery measure for post-COVID-19

By Adrian Joyce, Director of the Renovate Europe Campaign


As COVID-19 keeps millions of European employees and students at home, and wreaks havoc on our economies, we should already be considering how we can use the EU Green Deal (EGD) to kickstart a rebound in the post-pandemic period.

At Renovate Europe, we see energy renovation as a great means to contain the economic fallout. Millions of public sector buildings are currently empty and may remain so – particularly schools – for the coming 3-6 months. Quick action by policy makers, backed with financial stimulus, to support an immediate launch of a “Renovation Wave” would let people return to better, healthier work/study/recovery environments while helping the EU as a whole ‘flatten the curve’ of energy demand and emissions – and even turn it downwards.

The EGD has established a 2050 ambition to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 80-95% (compared with 1990 levels) and is considering pushing the 2030 energy efficiency target from 32.5% up to at least 40%. Achieving those ambitions is simply not possible without putting the energy renovation of our buildings first, so the Renovate Europe Campaign says: Let’s get started without delay!


Immediate economic stimulus for small business = a head-start on long-term renovation strategies

In the immediate future, stimulating energy renovation will help keep the EU’s largest industrial sector active: some 16 million people are directly employed in the construction industry and, across the EU, construction accounts for 9% of gross domestic product (GDP). In some Member States, it remains the lifeblood of the economy.

Given that 97% of construction workers are employed by 3 million companies that have fewer than 10 people, a stimulus package for the sector is likely to gain broad public support. Arguably, these are the people – and their families – that are already experiencing deep financial impacts because of projects being put on hold.

Preparing long-term renovation strategies to support the EU efficiency and emissions reduction targets is a requirement in which all Member States are currently engaged. Undoubtedly, many already know where and how to secure quick efficiency gains. A large-scale, rapid-action plan could also be used to “feed” the proposed Open Platform for Renovation, which aims to be a repository of both technical information and best practices.


Capturing the value of public building and school renovations 

With a floor space of 6,380 million m2, non-residential buildings make up 25% of the total EU stock, and account for 10-20% of total energy demand, depending on the country.[1] On average, On average, buildings in the services sub-sector (e.g. public and private offices, shops, schools, hospitals) are 60% more energy-intensive than residential buildings (300 kWh/m2 versus 170 kWh/m2).[2] Total buildings energy consumption reached 458 Mtoe in 2016, with the services sub-sector accounting for 150 Mtoe (32%). Notably, demand in the services sub-sector has increased by 23% since 2000, despite a slowdown after the 2008 economic crisis.[3] While there are many types of public buildings within this sub-sector, it is worth noting that schools make up 17% and hospitals account for 7%.

Abating the severity of the economic crisis by rapidly scaling up energy renovation of public buildings offers governments, at both national and municipal levels, the chance to lead by example and to accelerate green strategies to quickly capture savings that are possible only when operating at economies of scale. While at the same time improving quality of life for citizens.

The City of Ljubljana (Slovenia) offers a remarkable example, having recently renovated 48 public buildings (e.g. schools, libraries, cultural institutions, sports centres), of which 23 qualified as deep energy renovations. With efficiency gains of 70-85% (depending on building type), energy savings are 8,245 MW and emissions reduction are 2.96 Mt annually, while the financial savings on avoided energy equal €1m/year.[4] With a total project budget of €14.8 m, the payback period is just 15 years. Project investors included the City, Petrol, the largest Slovenian energy company, and Resalta, a large energy services company (ESCO). Employing more than 100 local contractors, the project also boosted economic development.

Schools are an important renovation target. Energy consumption is typically the second most significant expense – after teacher salaries – among total running costs.[5] In many municipalities, schools account for up to 70% of the thermal energy costs.[6]  As aside from energy savings, renovated schools can quickly deliver health and academic achievement benefits. Modelling carried out by the Buildings Performance Institute Europe (BPIE) shows that within the 20°C-32°C range, every 1°C reduction in temperature increases student learning performance by 2.3% while every 100ppm decrease in indoor CO2 concentrations is associated with a decline of 0.1%-1% of absences due to illness. In turn, this improves academic performance by 3%-8% while good daylighting (ergo lower electricity demand) can boost attention spans, concentration and relaxation, increasing academic performance by up to 18%.[7]

Two interesting sources provide excellent information and advice on how the public sector can make schools ‘energy smart’. The first, ‘energy@school’ (a project funded by Interreg Central Europe) includes methodologies to assess energy consumption and prioritise efficiency interventions, an inventory of technologies and ways to cost-effectively bundle measures, and information on developing a business model to work with ESCOs. Build Up (on the European Portal for Energy Efficiency in Buildings) provides multiple examples of specific building renovations and educational programmes.


A down-payment to secure long-term cumulative benefits

Far from being a ‘quick win’, this proposal to jump-start the Renovation Wave must be viewed as a foundational investment: every unit of energy avoided is the start of capturing cumulative value.  Investing in energy efficiency does more than underpin economic recovery: it creates healthy and liveable spaces, increases energy security, moves the EU closer to its climate goals and commitments, boosts employment and productivity, and lowers healthcare costs.

Technically, the renovation community knows what to do. One of the biggest barriers is funding, particularly as a survey of financing schemes shows that most are insufficient to support deep energy renovation.[8] Renovate Europe calls on the European Commission to include energy renovation in any post-pandemic recovery strategy.

[1] Energy, Transport and Climate Institute, Joint Research Centre. Towards Nearly Zero Energy Buildings in Europe: A Focus on Retrofit in Non-Residential Buildings” towards-nearly-zero-energy-buildings-europe-focus-retrofit-non-resi­dential-buildings






[7] Source: BPIE, Building 4 People: Quantifying the benefits of energy renovation investments in schools, offices and hospitals, 2019.



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Op-ed: Capturing the untapped benefits of deep energy renovation (Euractiv)

Published by Euractiv on: 4 March 2020 | As the European Green Deal takes shape, it bears repeating that the state of EU buildings holds the potential to make or break whatever energy, emissions and environmental targets are set in the coming months, writes Adrian Joyce.

Op-ed: How building renovations support EU’s “Man on the Moon moment” (ECEEE)

Published by ECEEE on: 14 January 2020 | Launched as “the EU’s Man on the Moon moment”, the European Green Deal is massively ambitious in scope and scale. While we appreciate the breadth of its eight “deeply transformative policies”, Renovate Europe finds that the underpinning roles of energy efficiency and building renovations are not fully considered.

Op-ed: The untapped benefits of deep energy renovations (FORESIGHT)

Published by FORESIGHT on: 6 December 2019 | As new Members of the European Parliament take their places and the European Green Deal takes shape, it bears repeating that the state of EU buildings holds the potential to make or break whatever energy, emissions and environmental targets are set in the coming months, says Adrian Joyce from Renovate Europe.

Renovate Europe reaches out to safeguard Energy Renovation in InvestEU

Ahead of the trilogues on InvestEU scheduled today Monday 18th and Wednesday 20th, Renovate Europe called on the negotiators to safeguard energy renovation of buildings as an explicit investment area in the Sustainable Infrastructure Window.

 Indeed, article 7§1(a) should explicitly mention “(…) energy efficiency in line with the 2030 energy frameworks, buildings renovation projects focused on energy savings (…)” as in the Parliament position, supported by the Commission potential compromise text.

 Buildings, whether schools, hospitals, police stations, or houses and apartments, are an essential infrastructure in Europe, providing a shelter and a nest to our citizens. They must be renovated in an energy efficient manner to give comfort and wellbeing, ensuring good health for everyone. Funding building renovation is an essential investment in our infrastructure. When we renovate buildings, we are investing in the future safety, productivity and prosperity of the EU. As any other infrastructure, buildings require investment and renewal in order to stay effective and competitive.

This clarification of eligibility would help mobilise financing by bundling projects together, building a pipeline of projects, and giving confidence to investors and the private sector. This would be especially important given that in some Member States, between 40 and 80% of public infrastructure investment comes from the EU Budget.