Op-ed: Buildings Renovation: a European energy hero (FORESIGHT)

Published by FORESIGHT on: 27 April 2022 | The European Union wants to reduce reliance on Russian energy imports. For this to work, a pan-EU Taskforce with the sole purpose of improving energy efficiency in buildings must be established, says Adrian Joyce of Renovate Europe.

Giving a new home to the C4E Forum

Brussels, 27th of April 2022 It is a pleasure to announce that the Renovate Europe Campaign (REC) has given a new home to the C4E Forum (Central and Eastern European Energy Efficiency Forum). Reducing the EU’s reliance on Russian fossil fuel imports has become an urgent energy security priority and most of the Central and Eastern European (CEE) countries are at the frontline of this energy crisis. In this context, the C4E Forum will serve as a key platform that will support stakeholders in the region to boost energy renovation measures and cut energy waste in buildings. The C4E…

REPowerEU: REC proposes immediate actions on energy renovation

REPowerEU – Energy Security and Resilience through RenovationThe EU must rapidly reduce its dependence on Russian fossil fuels, and Europe’s leaky buildings are in the spotlight. With buildings accounting for the largest share of final energy consumption, at a high of 40% of energy demand, reducing the energy demand of the building stock in the EU has never been so important. In this context, last March 8, the European Commission made public its communication “REPowerEU: Joint European action for more affordable, secure and sustainable energy”. So far, the communication…

Launch of Renovate Bulgaria

On April the 1st during the Architectural Building Week 2022 in Sofia it was officially signed the memorandum for Renovate Bulgaria. The eight founding signatories were the following: Bulgarian association for construction insulation and waterproofing Center for energy efficiency “EnEffect” Bulgarian facility management association Bulgarian construction chamber Bulgarian association of architects and engineers consultants Bulgarian-Austrian consulting company Shelter for humanity foundation, part of Habitat for humanity international Municipal network for energy…

One-Stop-Shops: Maximising their potential to accelerate energy renovation

21th March 2022 (11:30-12:50 CET) The Renovate Europe Campaign hosted the webinar “One-Stop-Shops: Maximising their potential to accelerate energy renovation” on Monday 21 March 2022 (11:30-12:50 CET) via GoToWebinar. In a context of rising energy prices and a spiralling climate crisis, reducing the energy demand of Europe’s leaky buildings is a priority. Technical assistance provided by One-Stop-Shops (OSS) has long been advocated as part of the solution to accelerating building energy renovation in the EU. Maximising their potential will be crucial if we are to boost…

Open Letter to EU Housing Ministers on ‘Only Deep Energy Renovation will help the most Vulnerable’

Open Letter to Housing Ministers of the EU Member States Subject:               Only Deep Energy Renovation will help the most Vulnerable Dear Minister, At your meeting on the 8th of March in Nice, you will be debating the topic of energy renovation of housing in the context of combining affordable housing and sustainability. We write to recall that the truly sustainable answer which will benefit all citizens, especially the growing number of vulnerable households, is to cut our energy demand through deep energy renovation. The steady rise in energy prices, and the great…