Op-ed: No more time for half-measures on renovation (Euractiv)

Published by Euractiv on: 10 November 2021 | In times of climate crisis, it is no longer acceptable that our buildings swallow up so much of the limited energy resources and leave our citizens so vulnerable to energy price hikes, writes Adrian Joyce. 

Open Letter to EU Energy Ministers on ‘Energy Price Rises: Renovate Buildings to Protect Consumers’

Open Letter to Energy Ministers of the EU Member States Subject:                 Energy Price Rises: Renovate Buildings to Protect Consumers Dear Minister, In the context of your meeting on the 26th of October, you will be debating the “toolbox” of measures tabled by the European Commission to address the rising energy prices.  We call on you to prioritise building energy renovation to protect consumers. The increased price per unit puts the spotlight once again on our vulnerability to high rates, and costs, of energy imports.  In 2015, the EU imported 53% of its energy needs and…

Europe fails to act on energy waste in Recovery and Resilience Plans

Press Release on Study Launch:Renovate2Recover: How Transformational are the National Recovery Plans for Buildings Renovation?A major Study by E3G for the Renovate Europe Campaign (REC) analysed the share devoted to energy renovation of the building stock in the National Recovery and Resilience Plans (NRRPs), showing that ambition remains low and that Member States lack foresight for planning beyond 2026. In a moment when increasing energy efficiency is made more urgent than ever because of skyrocketing energy prices, the Plans represent a huge, missed opportunity to significantly…

Op-ed: Technical Assistance: the wealth-enabler for buildings (ECEEE)

Published by ECEEE on: 28 September 2021 | With most of the National Recovery Plans approved this summer, attention is turning to the core business at hand: spending the money fast, and properly on building renovations. Technical Assistance will be crucial in driving up the rate and depth of renovations across the EU, making sure we leave no one behind.

Webinar: Why and How is Technical Assistance the Wealth-enabler for buildings?

Renovate Europe is delighted to announce the webinar “Why and How is Technical Assistance the Wealth-enabler for buildings?”, which is taking place on Tuesday 28 September 2021 (10:30-11:50 CET) via GoToWebinar. Historic amounts of funding will be made available through the EU budget (RRF and MFF), and the main buildings-related legislation (EED and EPBD) will be strengthened to deliver on the Renovation Wave goals. Unfortunately, the crucial role of Technical Assistance in delivering renovation schemes is still vastly underestimated. Technical assistance or capacity building…

Guide: Applying for Technical Support to Implement the Renovation Wave

What is DG REFORM’s Structural Reform Support? The Directorate-General for Structural Reform and Support (REFORM) is a new DG within the European Commission with the objective of helping EU countries to design and carry out structural reforms, e.g. when designing and implementing the National Recovery and Resilience Plans. The 2021-2027 long-term EU budget allocated nearly €1 billion to provide this type of tailor-made support, which could also significantly improve the absorption rates of EU funding across the Member States. How does DG REFORM’s support differ from other…