Op-ed: Time to address Europe’s hot and cold homes crisis (Euractiv)

Published by Euractiv on: 20 February 2019 | Most European countries have significant energy poverty problems and are unable to keep their citizens warm during winter. In fact, that applies as much to cooling as to heating, writes Adrian Joyce.

Op-ed: Commission must not take its eye off the ball for decarbonisation by 2050 (Euractiv)

Published by Euractiv on: 28 November 2018 | The European Commission will need clarity, nerve and vision to chart a decarbonisation path to 2050 that addresses the nearly 40% of Europe’s emissions that currently come from buildings, writes Adrian Joyce.

Op-ed: Efficiency or economy? We can have both… or neither (ECEEE)

Published by ECEEE on: 22 November 2018 | Energy efficiency and a strong economy are sometimes counterposed against each other as if they were a zero-sum choice. “It’s all very well touting luxury renovations, but in the real world investors need a return,” discordant voices will say.  The International Energy Agency’s Energy Efficiency 2018 Outlook study is a useful corrective to this position – so useful in fact, that its neglect in the media was quite shocking.

Why the indoor renovation ripple effect could save our lives

By Adrian Joyce, Renovate Europe Campaign Director 22nd November 2018   Christmas is not just a time of mistletoe and wine with the family.  It’s a time of coughs, sneezes and wheezes as the temperature drops.  One reason for this is that we spend so much time indoors.  On average, we spend more than 21 hours of each day inside buildings and the colder it is outside, the more likely we are to be curled up on a warm sofa – and exposed to particles, mould and bacteria.  It is counter-intuitive but concentrations of air pollutants indoors can be up to five times greater than those……

“Upscaling Energy Efficiency will not happen by itself”

Interview with Adrian Joyce, Renovate Europe Campaign Director 26th October 2018   It’s often been tough to convince people to listen when you talk about energy efficiency.  That’s frustrating for people who know how central it is to any credible plan for decarbonisation.  To start with the basics, why should people care about the amended Energy Performance in Buildings Directive (EPBD)? It is one of the most important changes that has occurred in the EU buildings sector in the last 15 years.  At last, EU legislators have recognised that our biggest problems are not the standards we use…

Op-ed: Please don’t let climate targets be (deliberately) misunderstood (Euractiv)

Published by Euractiv on: 9 October 2018 | The agreements on the various parts of the EU clean energy package were hard fought, but their signing marks the beginning of the battle to implement them, as much as it does the end of the struggle to agree them!