Digitalisation of Energy Renovation to boost Youth Employment

JOINT PRESS RELEASE Brussels, 29th March 2018 “With an ageing workforce in the construction sector, and persistent youth unemployment across the EU, the digitalisation of the energy renovation sector is the ideal tool to address both issues, by creating a more attractive sector for the younger generation”, explained Adrian Joyce, Director of the Renovate Europe Campaign, speaking at a joint Renovate Europe – Youth Intergroup event on Wednesday 28th March in the European Parliament. Indeed, as collaborative robots, drones, prefabricated materials (often involving 3D printing) and other…

Joint Event with the YOUTH Intergroup – 28TH March

Youth Employment and the Digitalisation of the Energy Renovation Sector   PPT presentations from the event are available to download in the Agenda below  11:00    Welcoming Remarks by YOUTH Intergroup MEP Brando Benifei, Vice-Chair of the Youth Intergroup   11:05    Introductory Remarks by Renovate Europe – How many jobs? Boosting youth employment Adrian Joyce, Director of the Renovate Europe Campaign   Session I: Transformation of the Energy Renovation Sector – More digital, more youth?  Moderator: Adrian Joyce, Director of the Renovate Europe Campaign   11:10    The…

28th March: Event on Youth Employment and the Digitalisation of the Energy Renovation Sector

28th March 2018: Event on Youth Employment and the Digitalisation of the Energy Renovation Sector Event jointly organised by the Youth Intergroup and Renovate Europe.  Hosted by MEP Brando Benifei (Italy, S&D) Room A5G305, European Parliament, Brussels     Digitalisation is sweeping through the energy renovation sector, from collaborative robots and virtual reality modelling (BIM) to indoor prefabrication, drones & 3D printing. -   How can we address the widening gap between rising youth unemployment and an ageing construction sector  through an increasingly attractive digitalised…

Op-ed: “Efficiency First” will deliver – let’s start with renovating our buildings (Euractiv)

Published by Euractiv on: 16 March 2018 | There is a simple truth about EU climate policy: If it does not put energy efficiency first, it will not meet its objectives cost-effectively. And if it does not try to do that, it may not meet them at all, writes Adrian Joyce.

Energy Renovation – the Sharpest Arrow in the EU’s post-2020 Budget

15 March 2018 The adoption yesterday in the European Parliament of the Olbrycht-Thomas Own-Initiative Report has set a positive tone for future negotiations on the EU’s post-2020 Multi-Annual Financial Framework (MFF), which has the potential to significantly boost investments in energy renovations across the EU. The EP’s call for climate-related funding to be raised to 30% in the next 7-year budgetary period acknowledges the rising expectations from EU citizens to deliver a people-centric budget in line with the Paris Agreement and the Energy Efficiency First principle. “The energy…

Renovate Europe responds to MFF Public Consultation

Renovate Europe provided its imput to the public consultations on the post-2020 MFF. Why is Energy Renovation one of the biggest success stories of the current EU budget? Energy Renovation is a people-centric policy which positively impacts citizens. Energy Renovation also has undeniable economic benefits for EU businesses and for public budgets Energy Renovation and the modernisation of the existing building stock creates quality jobs for local SMEs   How can Energy Renovation make the next MFF "Europe's biggest jobs programme"? Earmarking for energy efficiency and especially for…