Op-ed: Forget politics, renovate our homes – ahora mismo! (Euractiv)

"The European Union is nearing an agreement on upgrading the leakiest, most inefficient buildings. This is an apolitical issue that must be kept out of the damaging clutches of politicisation," writes Adrian Joyce.

REC Newsletter – Spring 2023

READ NEWSLETTERWelcome to Renovate Europe‘s newsletter! Here are the highlights of the last months. Last Tuesday 6th of June, the trilogue negotiations between the Council of the European Union, European Commission and European Parliament concerning the recast of the Energy Performance of Buildings Directive started. The EPBD is the crucial final piece of legislation in the Fit-for-55 Package, and represents THE opportunity to translate the political discourse on slashing energy imports into tangible action – the outcome of these trilogues cannot be underestimated! In…

Policy Dispatch – Campaign Director Adrian Joyce

FULL EPISODE HEREOur Campaign Director Adrian Joyce sits down with Sam Morgan from FORESIGHT for an insightful conversation in the latest Policy Dispatch podcast episode. During the talk, which took place in Šamorín (Slovakia) in the auspices of the last C4E Forum, Adrian and Sam dig deep into multiple debates that are currently surrounding the buildings policy discussion. First of all, they touch upon which are the main barriers that energy efficiency and renovation policies have to face. Agreeing with the two elements brought forward by the C4E audience during the opening…

BUILD UP Webinar – The clean energy transition for buildings: Professional associations enhancing renovation skills

Our Vice-Chair Alice Corovessi (Managing Director of our Greek national partner INZEB) moderates a panel discussion at the BUILD UP webinar “The clean energy transition for buildings: Professional associations enhancing renovation skills.” Watch here.

Crucial renovation support schemes must survive political cycles

The highly successful fourth edition of the C4E Forum ends today. Representatives from all sectors and across the CEE reunited to discuss how energy efficiency and renovation are key to meet our climate and security goals. Slovakian President Zuzana Čaputová, patron of the event, addressed the participants highlighting that Russia’s invasion of Ukraine has increased the sense of urgency for energy transition policies and that “supporting the Renovation Wave […] will help reduce energy bills. This could be a real gamechanger.”

Jan Kříž, recipient of the first C4E Champion Award

Congratulations to Deputy Minister at the Ministry of Environment of the Czech Republic Jan Kříž for receiving the first C4E Champion Award. We encourage all all public officials in Central and Eastern Europe to follow his example and prioritise the deployment of policies in favour of increasing energy renovation rates and expand the presence of energy efficient buildings.