27 March 2017
Briefing 1/2017 on Energy Poverty – Nobody should have to choose between heating and eating
Briefing 1/2017: Energy Poverty - Nobody should have to choose between heating and eating Energy poverty is as widespread as it is devastating for those who suffer it. Countries with the poorest building stock have the highest rates of excess winter mortality. EU legislation requires all countries to define vulnerable customers in their energy market so they can be helped, but two thirds of the Member States have not yet done so. The public health consequences are as grievous as they are unnecessary. Definition: What's in a name? For a blight on the lives of between 50m and 125m European…
27 March 2017
2017 Legislative Reviews: How to make Renovate Europe’s NZEB vision a reality by 2050?
What is the Renovate Europe vision and what changes in the EPBD and EED will help us achieve an NZEB building stock by 2050? Download the Renovate Europe 2-pager.
24 March 2017
Renovate Europe Newsletter 01/2017
The Renovate Europe Newsletter is out! Read all the News: http://us13.campaign-archive2.com/?u=19fcf559c532930060e01ebca&id=6d5d7f32c9&e=5bc703176d
10 March 2017
Briefing Session for EP staff on Buildings
What is the current status of the Building Stock in the EU? What is the renovation potential and why is it not being realised? How could citizens, businesses and governments benefit from a higher renovation rate in the EU? What opportunities can be improved in EPBD and EED in order to deliver better buildings for all? These are some of the questions that Renovate Europe, BPIE and WWF sought to answer during the Briefing Session on Buildings in the EP on the morning of Friday 10th March. The relevant documents for this Session, including the 3 PPTs presented, are below: BPIE PPT Presentation:…
8 March 2017
Making it Real – Site Visit to Renovated House with EP staff
The Renovate Europe office organised a site visit for MEP assistants to the Renovactive house in Anderlecht on Wednesday 8th March. The RenovActive house is a demonstration project of VELUX, a partner of the Renovate Europe Campaign. A typical 1920s house in the Brussels suburb was fully renovated with the double aim of significantly reducing energy consumption but also of improving the daylight and fresh air for future inhabitants. The fact that the house is part of a social housing estate meant that costs had to be kept within a restricted budget, in cooperation with the local social…
8 March 2017
Why is Energy Renovation the Long-term Solution to Improved Health?
Download Renovate Europe's one-pager to find out why Energy Renovation is the Long-term Solution to Improved Health.