Breakfast Debate – Triggering Jobs and Growth through Energy Renovation

Tuesday 27th September, Members Salon in the European Parliament Why is a thriving energy renovation market so vital for employment, entrepreneurship and prosperity in the EU? Which regulatory and financial framework will support local SMEs and local investments in the renovation sector? How can the revisions of the Energy Performance of Buildings Directive and the Energy Efficiency Directive lead to increased energy efficiency in buildings and boost jobs and growth across the EU? Hosted by MEP Carolina Punset (ALDE, Spain) and organised by Renovate Europe, this breakfast debate focused on…

Business leaders call for an EU vision for the building sector: NZEB level building stock by 2050

Renovate Europe stood alongside a group of 42 CEOs from some of Europe’s major construction and building materials companies calling for an EU vision for the building sector: NZEB level building stock by 2050 in a letter addressed to President Juncker and Vice-President Timmermans.

Photoshoot – MEPs uphold their reason for supporting Renovate Europe

In July 2016, MEPs were asked why they support the vision of achieving an NZEB building stock in the EU by 2050. Click below to find out why the following 26 MEPs from 4 different parties and 15 different countries support Renovate Europe.

Renovate Europe Newsletter – 02/2016

The Renovate Europe Newsletter 02-2016 is out! Read all the news here:

Interview about joining the Renovate Europe Campaign

Interview about joining the Renovate Europe Campaign       Interview with Bert Wijbenga, CEO of Woonbron, for the National Renovation Platform Why did NRP  join the Renovate Europe Campaign? NRP is a Dutch national platform, which aims to professionalize renovations of existing building stock and to improve regulatory and financial conditions to do so better and more often. Our members are parties from the whole building chain, from owners, investors, architects, consulting-engineers, builders, sub-contractors and maintenance and housekeepers. We see deep renovation and improvement of energy…

Energy Renovation – The real way to put citizens at the heart of the Energy Union

Renovate Europe held a breakfast briefing, hosted by MEP Theresa Griffin, on the theme of energy renovation and consumers on 15th June in the European Parliament in the context of the upcoming review of key buildings-related legislation in the autumn. At the event, MEP Theresa Griffin (S&D, UK) spoke forcibly about the need to increase energy renovation of buildings and thereby address the principle root cause for energy poverty. “Energy Renovation is an opportunity to create a synergy between energy policy, social policy and industrial policy across the EU, and to reconnect with…