Last update: 23 August 2022

Buildings in the content of the Plan (extracted from the REC/E3G Czech Country Profile)

Czechia’s final NRRP comprises measures worth €7.85bn. A total of €1.14bn (~15%) are allocated to building-related measures, of which €806m for energy renovation of buildings (~10%). The largest share of €393m¹ is allocated to the existing ‘New Green Savings’ scheme which supports complex renovations of residential buildings. It finances a range of measures targeting deep renovation, including building envelope measures, heat replacement, adaptation, and solar power. A further €295m is allocated for the renovation of public and state buildings. €98m of this is to support project preparation in the public sector (including, but not limited to, building renovation), and almost €20m is for feasibility assessments and awareness-raising, education, training, and advice provision in the fields of energy saving and greenhouse gas reduction. A further €334m will be used to fund another existing scheme – Kotlíkové dotace (boiler subsidies), targeting coal replacement and air quality improvement in single-family homes in rural communities. Both programmes allow gas boilers to be funded – an improvement on coal but incompatible with climate neutrality.

Read the full Czech Country Profile here.

Disbursements’ timeline

  • 2021-09-28: European Commission disburses €915 million in pre-financing to Czechia.
  • 2022-07-04: Czechia and the European Commission sign the Operational Arrangements.

Indicative timeline for future payment requests (based on the signed operational arrangements)

Payment Request for the First Instalment EUR 1.066.888.563 Q3 2022
Payment Request for the Second Instalment EUR 807.375.129 Q1 2023
Payment Request for the Third Instalment EUR 201.843.782 Q3 2023
Payment Request for the Fourth Instalment EUR 1.095.723.389 Q1 2024
Payment Request for the Fifth Instalment EUR 230.678.608 Q3 2024
Payment Request for the Sixth Instalment EUR 807.375.129 Q1 2025
Payment Request for the Seventh Instalment EUR 57.559.652 Q3 2025
Payment Request for the Eighth Instalment EUR 2.162.611.952 Q1 2026
Payment Request for the Ninth Instalment EUR 605.531.346 Q3 2026

Table of buildings' measures (categorised under their specific instalments)

The renovation-related targets and milestones expected by Q3 2022 are:

Number of Milestones Name of Milestone Value of whole measure Indicator Progress & Comments
Milestone 1 Acceleration and Digitalisation of the Building Process –

Reform 1: Implementation of the new construction law and zoning law into practice


€36.35 million Entry into force of the new construction law Unknown


Note: payment request submitted, suggesting that CZ considers instalment 1 milestones (including this one) to be completed

Milestone 2 Improving the energy performance of state buildings –

Adoption of model contract for Energy Performance Contracting for public sector buildings (C2.2-I1)

€113.62 million


A model contract for the Energy Performance Contracting method services with a guarantee is adopted by the Ministry of Industry and Trade Unknown


Note: payment request submitted, suggesting that CZ considers instalment 1 milestones (including this one) to be completed

Milestone 3 Publication by Ministry of Interior of timetable and conditions for renovating public lighting systems (2.2.2)


€81.97 million Publication of the programme documentation on the Ministry’s website




Note: payment request submitted, suggesting that CZ considers instalment 1 milestones (including this one) to be completed


All information has been extracted from the Study: “E3G. (2021). Renovate2Recover: How transformational are the National Recovery Plans for Buildings Renovation?” and the European Commission’s Recovery and Resilience Scoreboard.