Renovate Espana Partners:
CNC: Confederación Nacional de la Construcción
GBC.E: Green Building Council España
ACA: Asociación Ciencias Ambientales
AFELMA: Asociación Fabricantes Españoles Lanas Minerales Aislantes
AECOR: Asociación Española contra el ruido
ASOVEN: Asociación de Ventanas de PVC
ASA: Asociación sostenibilidad y Arquitectura
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REDay2022 - President Ursula von der Leyen Video Address (Spanish Subtitles)
European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen addressed via video in her opening speech the audience of REDay2022.
In here remarks she emphasised how making our buildings energy efficient is indispensable in the fight against climate change and increasing the EU’s energy resilience and independence, and how the Energy Performance of Buildings Directive is our opportunity to do so.
2022 - Monitoring the National Recovery and Resilience Plans
The REC team along with its National Partners and E3G will be monitoring the implementation of the buildings-related elements of the national recovery plans in 19 Member States: Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Czechia, Denmark, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Netherlands, Poland, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia and Spain.
Monitoring the national recovery plans will be done thanks to the Renovate2Recover Study, undertaken by E3G in close cooperation with Renovate Europe’s National Partners, and the information available on the European Commission’s Recovery and Resilience Scoreboard.
Each country page includes:
- a summary of the total investments allocated to buildings, and in particular for energy renovation;
- a timeline of the latest disbursements;
- an indicative timeline for future payment requests;
- a table listing in detail the buildings-related investments and reforms that each Member State includes in its NRRP. The measures have been categorised under their specific instalments.
Click here to access the monitoring page of the Spanish National Recovery and Resilience Plan.
2021 - Renovate 2 Recover: How Transformational are the National Recovery Plans for Buildings Renovation?
National Recovery and Resilience Plans (NRRPs) present a unique opportunity to accelerate the delivery of deep renovation across the EU. The analysis of the NRRPs in this Study demonstrates that significant renovation activity is planned and will be made possible through the successive disbursements of the Recovery Funding. But these renovations must be done properly, and the money must be spent well. This unprecedented additional injection of public funds must set the EU building stock firmly on the path to achieving its Renovation Wave goals to 2030 and meeting the 2050 climate targets.
For NRRPs to be transformational towards achieving these goals, two key aspects need to be strengthened:
- Ensure funding delivers a step change towards realising deep (or staged deep) renovations, going well beyond the 30% minimum energy saving recommendation set by the European Commission.
- Invest in the right enabling framework, including leverage of private finance, to create sustainable renovation markets that will grow beyond 2026.
Spanish profile from the study commissioned by the Renovate Europe Campaign and conducted by E3G with input from Renovate España.
2021 - Renovate 2 Recover: How Transformational are the National Recovery Plans for Buildings Renovation?
National Recovery and Resilience Plans (NRRPs) present a unique opportunity to accelerate the delivery of deep renovation across the EU. The analysis of the NRRPs in this Study demonstrates that significant renovation activity is planned and will be made possible through the successive disbursements of the Recovery Funding. But these renovations must be done properly, and the money must be spent well. This unprecedented additional injection of public funds must set the EU building stock firmly on the path to achieving its Renovation Wave goals to 2030 and meeting the 2050 climate targets.
For NRRPs to be transformational towards achieving these goals, two key aspects need to be strengthened:
- Ensure funding delivers a step change towards realising deep (or staged deep) renovations, going well beyond the 30% minimum energy saving recommendation set by the European Commission.
- Invest in the right enabling framework, including leverage of private finance, to create sustainable renovation markets that will grow beyond 2026.
Spanish profile from the study commissioned by the Renovate Europe Campaign and conducted by E3G with input from Renovate España.
- Spain’s Long-term Renovation Strategy 2020 (es)
- European Semester Country Specific Recommendations 2020