Designing Ambitious Renovation Programmes in the EU
The Energy Efficiency Directive (EDD), which entered into force in December 2012, aims to help Member States achieve the EU climate and energy targets through, among other things, renovation of the existing building stock. It has been estimated that when applied the Directive will stimulate investments and create jobs. If 2050 targets are to be met, the energy demand of the existing EU building stock must be reduced by 80% as compared to 2005 levels. This means that Member States need to scale up their renovation rate from the current average of 1% to more than 3% per year and they will need to ensure that all renovations are deep or staged deep renovations. They will only be able to achieve this goal if the necessary financing mechanisms and market drivers are in place.
It is for this reason that REDay2013 will:
- Provide a platform of exchange on the need for deep renovations and ambitious implementation of Article 4 of the EED
- Highlight the multiple benefits of deep renovations, including improved health, and related health-cost savings; job creation; finance/investment opportunities; climate and energy benefits
- Demonstrate through concrete examples of roadmaps and finance models that deep renovation is the necessary next step for the building sector’s contribution towards climate and energy targets
Special Presentations:
Nina Campbell – International Energy Agency (IEA)
Multiple Benefits of Energy Efficiency
Yamina Saheb – EU Commission, Joint Research Centre (JRC)
Quand le batiment va, tout va! – When the buildings sector works, everything works!
Session I: Living up to the Pledge. Taking responsibility for future energy efficiency policies
Oliver Rapf – Executive Director of the BPIE
Analysis of renovation roadmaps prepared by Member States – do they live up to expectations?
Adrian Balaci – Global Environmental Social Business
Catrin Maby – Chief Executive, Severn Wye Energy Agency
Countdown to Low Carbon Homes – make it local, make it work!
Session II: Leading by Example. Successful approaches to significant energy performance improvements
Bo Frank – Vice-President of Energy Cities, Mayor of Växjö, Sweden
Contribution of energy efficient buildings to zero-emissions objective
Ron Van Erck – Manager European Market, Energiesprong, The Netherlands
How a deal to renovate 111,000 homes to net zero energy levels is turning the Dutch building sector on its head
Pierfrancesco Maran – Mobility and Energy Counsellor, Milan City Council
Preparations for Expo 2015 – the role of renovation of existing buildings